3 budgeting apps to keep you in the green

November 15, 2021 • Lewis Goldsbury

Saving money is one of the most popular new year’s resolutions. Right up there with losing weight and taking up a new hobby. Ironically, it’s also one of the most broken resolutions!

Let’s face it – budgeting is not always easy. Life can get in the way and managing money can feel quite stressful. Sometimes it’s easier to protect our anxiety levels than face the music and check the balance on screen.

But money management doesn’t have to be so intimidating. Setting a budget will open your eyes to where you might be going wrong. Helping to make it easier to manage your financial expectations and set goals for the future.

There’s a handful of budgeting apps out there to help you manage your spending. So we’re going to run through our top 3 to help you and your family reach your financial goals.


Don’t let the name mislead you. Snoop is a budgeting app that’s designed to look out for you, not ‘snoop’ on your finances. Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), it’s super safe. You can rest assured that your details will remain confidential and secure.

Thanks to open banking, Snoop lets you track your spending on all your bank accounts. It lays out your expenses in one place. Allowing you to get a clearer idea of where your money actually ends up each month. As Snoop analyses your transactions, it sends you personalised tips called ‘snoops’. The ‘snoops’ are there to help you manage your money and to motivate you. To identify areas where you can potentially save money.

One of the things we love about Snoop is that it lets you know if you could save money at the places you already shop at. It also checks the market to see if you could get your hands on cheaper rates and deals on expenses. Such as your phone or energy provider. If Snoop spots a better deal elsewhere, it’ll let you know and make switching super simple. It’s a great way to cut down on your utility bills this winter!

The icing on the cake is that Snoop is free and available for download on both iOS and Android devices.


Emma is a money management app that is also FCA regulated. It connects to your bank account to categorise your various expenses. You can then see what you spend on ‘necessities’, ‘wants’ and ‘savings’. These categories are useful when it comes to following the 50-30-20 budget rule. 50% on necessities such as rent, utilities and food. 30% on ‘treat yourself’ items such as a meal out. And 20% on savings for emergencies or long-term goals.

Emma tracks all your subscriptions, not just general utilities and shopping expenses. This allows you to take a look at which subscriptions you don’t really use (gym memberships, we’re looking at you!) and cancel them. Brits waste around £25 billion a year on subscriptions they don’t use. That’s around £39 wasted per household – money that could go into a savings pot.

Another great feature is the ‘Emma report’, which syncs your budget to payday. With reports, you can check whether you’re on track or need to slow your spending down before payday. The app works to organise your finances into manageable chunks. So you feel less anxious about checking your bank account.

Emma is free to download on both Android and iOS devices. But you can upgrade to Emma Pro for £9.99 a month. Where you can access more advanced features, such as tracking any hidden bank fees.

Budget by Koody

Prefer not to connect to your bank account? Look no further than Budget by Koody.

You input your own transactions. Set reminders and daily spending limits. Categorise your expenses. And Koody does the rest for you! Allowing you to organise your transactions in whatever way best suits you.

Koody also gives you access to other financial resources in the ‘discover’ tab. From guides and blog posts, to advice and community posts. You’ll find financial tips for every scenario. These resources could be the key to securing your financial independence. And further ease some of your anxiety around money.

Budget by Koody is free and available on both the App Store and Google Play. This app could become your new budgeting bestie if you’re looking for a manual budgeting app.

Taking control of your finances is empowering. We want you to feel the buzz of knowing that you are ruling your finances and not the other way around! That’s why we offer you flexible repayment options for your home essentials.

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This entry was posted in Finance and Budgeting Tips
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