Become A Money Saving Gardener This Autumn

September 19, 2024 • Chris Bardsley
Become A Money Saving Gardener This Autumn

We’re all aware of how expensive food has become in the last few years, especially since the cost of living crisis.

Shopping in the cheapest supermarkets is still a priority. But what if you were able to grow your own veg instead, to save even more money and get healthy at the same time?

Inspired by the gardeners from across the UK who have reported saving hundreds of pounds by growing their own vegetables, here are some top tips from the Fair For You team.

Why Grow Your Own Veg?

To save money - According to research, the average UK household now spends £5,023 on food per year. £3,745 of this amount is spent on groceries alone. Growing your own vegetables can reduce these costs by cutting your reliance on buying food.

Develop a healthier relationship with food - Seeing where food comes from, and also controlling what goes into your food (unlike processed food) can make you appreciate food differently. Eating a variety of fresh vegetables picked straight from your garden is also better for your health. It can also inspire you to learn new recipes!

Teach kids a lifelong skill - Get the kids involved with sowing any seeds, watering the plants and also picking the produce. Teaching them how to grow their own food can also encourage them to become healthier adults.

Easy to do - Growing your own food can seem complicated, but with a few simple steps and some patience, it’s easier than you think. In many cases, you can improvise with the materials you need.

Mental health benefits - Many studies have shown a link between gardening and better mental health. Gardening can also reduce your screen time.

Better for the environment - Plants absorb carbon dioxide to improve air quality which can work towards improving your local area as a whole. Plus, by growing your own veg and setting up a compost heap you can also reduce food waste.

How To Grow Vegetables In Your Garden

In a nutshell, you’ll need to find a sunny spot to grow vegetables. From there, you’ll need some soil and a safe place to house your seeds while they grow. For instance, a raised bed or a container.

Every vegetable requires different care, so you’ll need to follow the instructions on the seed packet to know what’s required.

While growing your own vegetables is easy once you know how, you will need to take a bit of time to learn what’s involved first. But don’t worry, it will be worth it!

We recommend starting with some free online tutorials. For instance, there are lots of UK based YouTubers such as Spicy Moustache who focus on growing your own veg. This particular channel has fantastic tips if you’re on a budget or are new to gardening.

How To Grow Vegetables If You Don’t Have A Garden

While having outdoor space is preferable when you want to grow your own vegetables, it’s not the only way.

If you live in a high-rise building, it’s possible to grow vegetables or herbs on your balcony in a container. Alternatively, you can also grow plants in window boxes.

You could also check with your local council to see about hiring an allotment. According to Money Saving Expert, the average cost of an allotment is between £9 and £110 a year. However, you could also buddy up with friends to share the cost as well as the work between you.

Finally, see if there are any local garden community projects near you. Sometimes, these provide ground or greenhouse space for you to be able to grow your own produce.

Best Vegetables To Grow In Autumn

It is recommended to eat a colourful diet to stay healthy. The good news is that many of the vegetables that need to be planted now involve a vibrant array of foods:

  • Beetroot
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Garlic
  • Kale
  • Lettuce
  • Peas
  • Radishes
  • Spinach
  • Turnips

We’re writing this blog post in Autumn, so our vegetable suggestions focus on what to plant during this time.

However, you can plant other vegetables or fruits all year round. It’s simply a case of matching up the right varieties to the time of year they prefer to be planted.

Best Herbs To Grow In Autumn

Herbs not only add flavour to our foods but can also inspire us to experiment with new recipes.

In autumn, the herbs to plant include:

  • Coriander
  • Dill
  • Fennel
  • Mint
  • Oregano
  • Parsley
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Tarragon
  • Thyme

If you are a complete gardening novice, starting with herbs can also feel less intimidating. You can even grow some herbs in a pot in your kitchen!

Top Tips On Starting A Vegetable Garden On A Budget

Did you know Poundland sells cheap seeds? In fact, most supermarkets and DIY stores sell seeds, and you’ll also find them in garden centres too. On the whole, seeds are very cheap to purchase.

Even premium seed sellers such as Mr Fothergill’s sell packets of seeds starting at just 99p.

This includes vegetables such as cucumber, cabbage, butternut squash, courgette, broccoli, tomato and lettuce.

Next time you’re in a shop, you’ll also notice gardening magazines which offer seeds as a free gift. These can often give you a great deal as well as advice on how to get started.

Another tip is to buddy up with friends by swapping seed packets or produce. If you’re short on space or time, this is yet another way you can grow your own veg cheaply and easily.

Fair for You - Discover Our Help & Advice To Help With Food Bills

We hope we’ve inspired you to get planting. If you’re successful with growing your own veg, then be sure to tag us with your results over on Instagram!

Beyond growing your own vegetables, you may need additional support to feed your family especially if you are on a low income.

There are lots of ways Fair for You can help, including through our Food Club Card and our Shopping Card.

You’ll also find items to maintain your garden which you can purchase on our flexible repayment system on our website.

Take a look around to learn more about what we do, and we wish you every success with your vegetable garden project!

This entry was posted in Finance, Health and Wellness, Budgeting Tips, How To's and Blog
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