How To Find Out All Of My Debts

July 20, 2023 • Chris Bardsley

How To Find Out All Of My Debts

When we hear the word ‘debt’ it can instantly cause feelings of fear, panic and stress.

But did you know, excluding mortgage repayments, the average UK personal debt now stands at £34,566, rising a third from the previous year? That’s according to the personal finance website Money.

Credit card repayments and overdue utility bills are some of the main reasons why personal debt is so high. This is in addition to the ongoing impact of the cost of living crisis.

If you’re in debt right now, know that you’re not alone. At Fair for You we have plenty of helpful tips to support you on your journey to becoming debt free.

We may not be able to offer specific debt advice, but we can point you in the direction of organisations that are ready to provide the individual debt advice you may need.

A useful first step is to find out how much debt you have, so we have put together these helpful hints to get you started and also so you know who to speak to about what to do next.

Best Places To Find Out All Of Your Debt

To find out what debts you owe, you’ll need to look at your credit file. The best way to do that is to sign up to one of a few trusted websites.

It’s usually free to access your credit file. Although, some websites also offer a paid service to get more insights or help.

What you’ll see on your credit report, is your credit score, along with details about why you’ve been given that score. So for instance, any creditors that appear on your report that you may owe money to.

Viewing your credit report regularly is a good way to keep track of your financial health. Plus, it gives you the chance to identify any mistakes that shouldn’t be on your report, as these could also be harming your credit score.


Equifax will give you a credit score ranging from 0-1000.

It uses a traffic light system to help you work out anything that may be having a negative impact on your ability to get credit, such as debts owed.

One of the many things that Equifax will share with you is a list of any creditors, under the ‘Credit Agreements’ section of your report.

Cost: Equifax is free for the first 30 days, after that it costs £10.95 per month*.

*Pricing sourced from company website - correct as at July 2023

Visit Equifax


Experian has an interactive dashboard attached to your credit report. Here, you can easily view a list of creditors including active, settled and defaulted debts.

You can also view more about the payment status of any debts, such as how much money is left to pay on each account and also if any payments are overdue.

Experian also lets you see which companies have your details on record in relation to any current or past financial connections.

Cost: Experian is free to use unless you wish to upgrade to Identity Plus (£6.99 per month) or Credit Expert (£14.99). Both premium upgrades are available for a 30 day free trial*.

*Pricing sourced from company website - correct as at July 2023

Visit Experian


Checkmyfile combines all of the data found in Equifax, Experian and TransUnion about your credit history and current status.

It will give you a payment history, and will also tell you information about any financial associations.

You’ll also be able to see full information about your lenders, including who they are and how to contact them, rather than just being given a name.

With Checkmyfile you can go back up to 6 years, helping you to take a long-term look at any debts.

Cost: Checkmyfile is free for 30 days and costs £14.99 a month thereafter*.

*Pricing sourced from company website - correct as at July 2023

Visit Checkmyfile

Credit Karma

Credit Karma offers personalised help to grow your credit score, such as learning about what is affecting it, a clear traffic light progress tracker and tailored support to improve your financial wellbeing.

Their service is also free to use for life. Once you’re signed up, Credit Karma will update your credit score and report it every week at no additional charge. They also provide credit alerts to help combat fraud.

Cost: Credit Karma is free to use for life*

*Pricing sourced from company website - correct as at July 2023

Visit Credit Karma

Some Debts Might Not Show Up On Your Credit Report

Most major lenders and creditors will report to credit reporting agencies. If you have any debts with lenders who do report, then this information should appear on your credit report.

That said, it’s also not a requirement for debtors to report credit information. This means that not all of the money you owe may appear on your credit file.

If you are dealing with any additional debtors who don’t appear on your credit report, then you can ask them for more information, including how much debt you owe to them and why.

You can then create a document to compile all of this additional information to build a complete picture of your debts.

Why Do I Need To Find Out All Of My Debts?

It might seem like a lot of work to find out how much debt you owe, and maybe you’re even afraid to know the answer.

However, it’s worth remembering that all of the above platforms make it quick and easy to locate most of your debts. The only other chasing up you’ll need to do is for any other debts you know you’re paying but these don't appear on your credit file.

The main thing to note is not to put off or avoid finding out all of your debts. That’s because

finding out your debts is the first step in working out a plan on how to get out of debt.

You can also make better financial decisions going forward because you’ll understand how much debt you need to pay back as part of your monthly budget.

Never Do These Things If You’re In Debt Or Struggling Financially

It’s a really positive step to find out all of your debts so that you can make a plan of how to improve your situation - however difficult it might feel at the start.

That said, it’s very easy to make a wrong move which could set your progress back, making things far more difficult than they already are.

Here are just some of the things you should never do to try to solve your debts or low income.

Not Ask For Help

When we’re struggling, it’s common to feel embarrassed about the problem. But when it comes to debt, there are lots of people out there who can help, including lending an ear to listen.

StepChange is one such debt charity, where you can get free advice on what to do if you’re struggling to keep up with your repayments. Their debt advisers aren’t there to judge you, and speaking to someone can take a huge weight off your mind.

You can also contact your bank, energy providers as well as your lenders if you are having difficulties making your repayments. They may be able to adjust your repayments or offer other support to help you.

Resort To Using A Loan Shark

Sadly, not everyone has good intentions when it comes to helping your finances.

Loan sharks often prey on those in debt, especially if they think someone may be vulnerable.

With excessive repayments and aggressive tactics, loan sharks can be extremely unpleasant individuals, who will only make your financial situation much worse.

As loan sharks are illegal, it is essential to avoid them and also report them.

Fair for You may be able to help you instead, especially if you need money for the essentials such as the weekly shop or household appliances.

Read more: Loan Sharks: What Are They And How To Avoid Them

Debt FAQs

Many people have questions about their debts, including how to get out of debt.

We’ve answered some of the most common questions about debt here.

Keep up to date with our latest news and articles by following Fair For You on Facebook or Instagram.

How To Get Out Of Debt

There are lots of steps involved in getting out of debt. But first you need to find out the amount of total debt you owe. From there, you can make a plan on how your debts will be repaid. Plus, you may be able to access additional support to lower the amount you owe.

It will take time to get out of debt, depending on how much debt you have. Working with trusted organisations such as StepChange or Citizens Advice can help you if you don’t know what steps to take.

How Long Can A Debt Be Chased In The UK?

Debts can legally be chased for 6 years in the UK. Though you may still need to pay old debts if you’ve had a CCJ issued against you.

What Is A Debt Management Plan?

A debt management plan looks at all of your debts and puts steps in place to deal with these debts. This may include having any debts written off or figuring out a repayment plan. Often, a debt management plan involves consolidating your debts to help you meet your repayments.

What Happens To Debt When You Die?

When someone dies any debts are taken out of their estate. If you are dealing with the estate of someone who has died, Money Helper has put together a guide on what to do next, as you may be liable for paying the person’s debts on behalf of the deceased.

Read Our Other Guides On Debt

Fair For You - Affordable And Flexible Payments For Your Household Essentials

Are you struggling to afford the household goods you need for your home or family?

Fair for You aren’t like other lenders. We help those who are struggling by only offering affordable and flexible repayment plans for household goods. Plus we also have a food club card that you can use to pay for the everyday essentials.

Head over to our How It Works page to learn more about Fair for You. Or, skip to the tab at the top of this page to browse the goods we have available on credit.

*Please note we’ve used links to external websites. Although we make every effort to ensure these links are accurate, up to date and relevant, Fair for You Enterprise CIC cannot take responsibility for pages maintained by external providers. Views expressed on external sites we link to are not necessarily those of Fair for You Enterprise CIC. If you come across any external links that don’t work, we would be grateful if you could report them to the web content team.

The content of this blog does not constitute personal financial advice, and the views expressed in it are those of the contributor or author, which may not necessarily represent or reflect the views expressed by Fair for You Enterprise CIC.

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