Moving Home - How To Reduce The Stress And Hacks To Keep Costs Down

January 15, 2024 • Chris Bardsley

Moving Home - How To Reduce The Stress And Hacks To Keep Costs Down

When it comes to finding ways to relax and unwind, moving house is unlikely to appear on anyone’s list!

In fact, a recent survey found that 57% of people find moving the most stressful life event they have experienced. So if you’re going through that same stress right now, you’re certainly not alone.

But with the average person moving 8 times in their life, moving house is something we all have to familiarise ourselves with at some point.

So here are our top tips from the Fair For You team on how to keep both costs and your stress levels to a minimum when moving home.

Why Is Moving House So Stressful?

Well, when you think about it, our home is supposed to be our sanctuary. A place where we sleep, relax and raise our families in peace. But when everything is held up in boxes and you can’t even find the kettle to make a cup of tea, that restful scenario is long gone!

Even if you’re moving because you don’t like where you live, there can be a lot of stress to go through before you actually feel any sense of relief.

Of course, not preparing practically or even mentally for moving can enhance any stressful feelings. So a positive point here is that this is one thing you can control by adopting some helpful techniques.

Some tips to reduce the stress of moving include:

  • Put all important paperwork and documents in a folder and keep this somewhere safe

  • Avoid moving while going through other stressful events or busy times of the year

  • Create a strategy of how you will pack and store your items and leave more than enough time to do this

  • Involve the kids so that they know what to expect and feel part of the process

  • Reach out to family and friends for support - even if it’s just a quick catch up over a cup of tea!

  • Inform your bank, utility suppliers, council and anyone else who needs to know about your change of address

  • You might be without internet while you move and settle in, so note down any important information or contact numbers in your phone in advance

  • Don’t put off any part of the process until the last minute

  • Plan something nice to do as a family for the first weekend that you will move in to give yourself something to look forward to

There’s no way to completely eliminate the stress of moving, but giving yourself the time and tools to prepare can make a huge difference in how you find the overall experience.

Also remember that it’s going to take time for you, your kids and any pets to adjust to the new home. This is completely normal, so go at your own pace.

Reducing The Cost Of Moving House

With your mindset about moving in much a better place, let’s look at how the moving process can be easier on your wallet.

Depending on whether you are selling your home or leaving rented accommodation, there can be vast differences in how much it costs to move.

Barclays states the average cost of moving as a homeowner in the UK is £11,777. In contrast, the UK average cost of moving as a renter is £1,175 or £2,043 if you live in London according to MoveiQ.

Depending on whether you're a seller or a tenant, the costs of moving can include:

  • Estate agents fees

  • Removal company fees

  • End of tenancy cleaning

  • Storage fees

  • Deposit disputes

  • Settling any final meter readings/bills

  • Waste disposal

During the week of your move, there can also be a lot of disruption to your everyday life. This may mean you spend more money on things such as taxis, takeaways and other unforeseen costs you normally wouldn’t fork out for.

Remember, if you’re on a low income, you may qualify for help with your energy bills or your housing costs.

Whether you’re currently renting or are selling a property, here are some top ways to vacate your home for less.

Take The Opportunity To Have A Good Clear Out

Clearing out clothes, appliances or toys that the kids have outgrown before you move can help your finances while also lessening the burden of packing up all your belongings.

You could also list the items for sale on Vinted, Gumtree, Ebay or Facebook marketplace to bag a tidy profit for your unwanted items. Moving with fewer belongings can also mean reduced moving expenses, especially if you plan on using a removals company.

Compare Estate Agent Fees

If you’re selling your home, it’s a personal decision as to which estate agency you choose.

However, something to note is that estate agents charge between 1% and 3.5% of the sale price. This means that if your home sold for £200,000, an estate agent could charge between £2,000 and £7,000 for their services.

Many online-only agents have sprung up in recent years such as Purplebricks which allow you to sell your home for free. Other online agents have a set fee, which is often vastly cheaper than high street agents.

The decision as to what’s right for you needs to be a considered one, seen as some estate agents are well worth every penny their fees. That said, it’s still handy to know all the options available to you, especially when you are looking to cut the cost of moving.

You might find useful: How to improve your credit score through Fair For You

Removal Fees

Hopefully, you’ve had that good clear out of your belongings, so that you don’t incur excessive removal van or removal company fees.

But when you’re ready to get going, packing up and transporting your own belongings is the cheapest option available. But this does depend on the size, weight and overall quantity of the items that need to be moved.

If you live in a property with difficult access (i.e. several flights of stairs) or if you’re disabled, hiring professionals might be an unavoidable cost due to safety or practicality reasons.

Based on the amount of belongings you have to move, you can consider the following options:

  • Making several trips in your own vehicle

  • Asking a friend or family member to drive you in their vehicle

  • Hiring your own small, medium or large sized van

  • Paying a traditional removal company

If you don’t have access to a vehicle suitable for moving, the least expensive option would be to hire your own van. The good news here is that you can compare different van sizes and even vehicle rental companies to save money.

We checked the cost of hiring a van in Manchester with Sixt and prices started at £42.98 per day for a medium sized van and up to £79.98 per day for a large removal van.

For those who don’t drive and also don’t have anyone who could drive the van for them, you would need to hire a removal company, unless you only have a small amount of belongings.

The average price of hiring a removal company is £880 according to Zoopla. However, costs can vary depending on your location, the size of your home and when you choose to move.

Reallymoving is a price comparison tool for home removals which may be able to find you a cheaper deal. It’s also good to check the differences in days, as moving on a weekday rather than the weekend may result in lower costs due to reduced demand.

End Of Tenancy Cleaning

Tenants are normally required to complete an end of tenancy clean as part of getting their rental deposit back.

Even if you are selling a property, it may require professional cleaning so that it is left in good condition as a courtesy for the new owners.

Checkatrade advises that end of tenancy cleaning can cost between £180 and £415.

You can also shop around for end of tenancy cleaning, or if you have the time, tools and energy - you can complete the clean yourself. In some cases, hiring a carpet cleaner or steam cleaner can actually be cheaper than getting a professional company in.

Just be aware that as a tenant, if you don’t leave the property in a clean condition then this may reduce the deposit you get back. It’s essential the property receives a deep and thorough clean, so only take on the task if you’re capable!


Our research suggests the average cost of storing your belongings ranges from £22 to £88 a week, working out at between £1,155 and £4,620 a year on average. This depends on your location, along with the size of the storage lot you hire.

So as you might expect, the aim is always to avoid having to use storage altogether. If you must store any belongings, then only doing so for the least amount of time possible will save you money.

Overall, if items are going to sit in storage for months (or even years!) on end, then consider whether it would be better to sell or donate these items instead.

Fair For You - Shop The Items You Need For Your Home For Less

If you are moving from your rented accommodation or selling your home anytime soon, we wish you the best of luck.

Remember to take the time to prepare in advance so that you don’t feel rushed, and that you also shop around on anything you need to spend money on to get the best deal.

Once you’ve moved into your new place, you might be in need of some new furniture or appliances.

Fair For You offers flexible credit on items such as beds, sofas, wardrobes, washing machines, ovens, fridge freezers and much more.

Head over to our product categories page to see the items you could get for your home, along with how much they cost to pay back per week.

You can also sign up for our mailing list using the email form below, where we'll send you even more helpful guides and tips like this direct to your inbox.

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