“Thank you NHS Heroes”

April 6, 2020 • The Team

6th April 2020:

Fair for You Competition Topic

In these scary and unprecedented times, our NHS heroes are standing at the frontline and fighting day and night to keep us safe, while putting their own lives at risk and bearing separation from their loved ones.

We would like to urge our FfY Facebook Community to send us pictures drawn by kids saying “Thank you NHS heroes” to show appreciation for NHS staff.

Our friends at Hotpoint will select the best drawing and reward the little painter with a Fridge Freezer full of food!

(After sending us a photo, don’t forget to put the drawing on your front window.)

Click here to see the competition post on Facebook.

💜 Hotpoint will choose the winning drawing.
💚 Competition closing date: 20/04/2020
💜 Full Terms and Conditions here: https://www.fairforyou.co.uk/competitions/


Shortlisted Entries for Fair for You Easter Competition

Hotpoint selected the top 5 drawings from all the entries for Fair for You Easter Competition and a second round of the competition was run on Facebook to vote and select the winner.

The top 5 drawings were:

The winner will receive a Hotpoint Fridge Freezer full of food and the runners-up will receive £25 Gift Vouchers.

…And now the winner –

The winner of Fair for You Easter 2020 is Heather Playdon! 🎉

Congratulations to Heather – and her daughter who drew the winning poster.

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This entry was posted in FFY Competitions and Blog
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