DIY Halloween children’s party games

October 22, 2021 • Lewis Goldsbury

If your kids are avid Halloween fans, the traditional apple bobbing and pumpkin carving have probably lost their spook-tacular edge.

Looking for creative ways to transform your Halloween festivities without giving your bank balance a fright? We’ve got you covered. Here are our five DIY Halloween games that will give your kids pumpkin’ to talk about.

Pumpkin bowling

Instead of carving faces into your pumpkins, why not turn them into bowling balls? Gut your pumpkins as you usually would and then carve three holes big enough for your little ones to comfortably grip. If a pumpkin is too heavy, decorate a small ball instead – it will be just as much fun.

For your pins, use plastic cups or leftover cans. You can decorate these with whatever crafting materials you have lying around. For example, you can transform white plastic cups into ghosts with a black marker or use paint to turn cans into monsters. This will give your kids spooky targets to aim at.

Spaghetti dig

There is no better way to describe digging for spiders, eyeballs, and bones than gruesomely fun. Make some spaghetti, put it in a bowl and then mix in an assortment of whatever gruesome objects you can find.

Blindfold your kids and let them dig through. Whoever finds the most gruesome items wins. Simple! This gruesome twist on digging for treasure will certainly stimulate the senses and get hearts racing.

Toilet paper mummy game

The mummy toilet paper game is a cost-effective Halloween game that requires little to no effort or preparation. If you don’t want to use the good stuff, cheaper rolls will do just fine. Plus, the cheaper the better in this case as it will help with the mummified look.

Pair up your kids so that you have one mummy and one wrapper. Then give them five minutes or however long you feel is necessary to turn their partner into a mummy. There are really no losers with this game as you’ll all be in stitches (or bandages, should we say!) Not to mention, this game is great for anyone who has forgotten their costume or fancies an outfit change.

Pop the pumpkin

Grab an old cardboard box, stencil out the shape of a pumpkin and then cut out the pumpkin with scissors. Next, fill orange balloons with wrapped sweets and mini chocolate bars. Blow enough balloons up until you fill out your pumpkin cut-out and then stick the balloons to the cardboard with sellotape.

With this Halloween game, you can simply place the board on the floor instead of hanging it on the wall. This is a great hack for those who don’t want to ruin their walls with unnecessary tape.

Allow your kids to have several attempts at popping the balloons with a toothpick until they retrieve all the yummy treats and the inflated pumpkin disappears. To avoid toothpicks being lost, tie ribbon and string to the ends so they are easy to find and hold. This is a fun Halloween game for the whole family to enjoy. Plus, you can even get your little ones to help you blow up the balloons, saving you from doing all the hard work alone!

Spider Race

Getting your kids to help you hang your washing outside may be witchful thinking. But with this fun spider race, you’ll be lucky if you get them away from it.

For this DIY Halloween game, you’ll need a small felt spider. Alternatively, you can make one using pipe cleaners and a cotton ball. Cut off the end of a straw and glue it to the top of the spider. Next, attach your washing line to a chair to create a downward diagonal line. Thread the washing line through the straw, grab a timer and see whose spider makes it from the beginning of the washing line to the chair the fastest.

You can also do the same indoors with string. Not only does this option keep you out of the cold, but you can create multiple lines so your kids can all race at once, heating up the competition

For more Halloween fun, learn how to make easy Halloween crafts that will keep your kids entertained throughout half-term.

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