Energy-saving tips to reduce your utility bills

October 15, 2021 • Lewis Goldsbury

Christmas isn’t the only reason that winter is one of the most expensive seasons for households across the country. As it gets colder and darker outside, the heating and lights are on for longer, and we spend more and more time in front of the TV. Inevitably, energy bills go up and it becomes harder and harder to stretch your paycheque each month.

Naturally, at this time of year, more and more people are looking for ways to keep their energy bills down. That’s why we’re sharing our top five energy-saving tips to get you and your family through winter.

Replace your appliances

Switching to more energy efficient appliances can save you money in the long run. The higher your appliances’ energy efficient ratings are, the lower your bills will be. When you purchase a new appliance, they typically come with a label indicating its efficiency. These labels help homeowners to understand the cost of running appliances.

Appliances are rated on a scale from A to G based on how much energy they typically use. For older appliances, this is usually on a scale from A+++ to G. Products with a G rating are the least energy efficient, while products with an A or A +++ rating are the most energy efficient.

Note that while a larger A-rated appliance may be more efficient, a smaller B-rated model consumes less energy. When picking the size of appliances, it’s wise to select those that will meet the needs of your family.

In most households, some appliances are on for most of the day and use significant amounts of energy and water. In fact, powering a fridge freezer contributes to around 7% of most household bills. And it’s no wonder – our refrigerators run for 24 hours a day and are barely ever put on standby like other appliances.

If you are in a position to do so, try switching out old appliances for more efficient ones in a bid to save on your bills. We have a great selection of suitable appliances available on our flexible repayment plans.

Turn your switches off

No matter how much technology advances, it is sometimes the oldest and simplest of advice that is the most effective. We all know someone with a habit of turning off any switch that is out of use – and this kind of habit pays off!

Leaving your electronics on standby isn’t really good enough. Electronics are the second most energy consuming appliances and account for around 9% of most household energy bills. TVs top the list and are one of the most common appliances to be left on standby. By turning off and unplugging these appliances when they are not in use, you could save around £35 a year. It’s that simple!

But remembering to turn off appliances isn’t always the most realistic option, especially during the morning school run. Energy saving plugs, commonly known as standby savers, allow you to turn off all your appliances with just a click. Simply press the remote and electricity is blocked from moving through sockets to your appliances.

For most appliances, turning them off standby shouldn’t affect their programming, but check their instruction manuals to make sure you won’t have to reset them all over again.

Only use what you need

Another simple and cost-effective tip: only use what you need. Ever made a cup of tea and then been left with more water in the kettle than you needed? Filling up the kettle with less water means that it takes less energy for it to boil. Plus, by using less water, your water bill will be considerably reduced.

And this tip not only applies to the kettle, but your lights, shower, and any other water and energy use. By spending one less minute in the shower or by doing one less load of washing a week, you could save around £31 per year.

Draught proof

When it comes to reducing your heating bill, double glazing is often the most common solution. However, it isn’t the most cost-effective solution if you’re on a budget.

While double glazing prevents heat escaping through glass, draught proofing prevents cold air from entering through gaps in your home. By sealing unwanted gaps between windows and doors, less warm air blows out and less cold air comes in. Not only will this reduce your heating bill, but it will also keep your home warm and cosy during winter.

Draught proofing your home can be a cheaper alternative to double glazing. Moreover, even if you have double glazing, it is a good option to consider. If you feel like doing some DIY, you can easily draught proof your home yourself. Just make sure you have the right materials and tools to do it properly. This could save you £25 a year on your heating bill.

Shop around

You can also reduce your energy bills simply by shopping around and ensuring that you are not paying more than you need to. We like the budgeting app Snoop.

Not only does Snoop give you a clear overview of your finances and offer advice on how you can save money day-to-day, but it also keeps an eye on your bills and lets you know whenever banks or big businesses want you to pay more than you should. This includes your energy providers. If Snoop spots a better energy deal elsewhere, it’ll let you know and makes switching simple.

Spending larger amounts of money than you’re used to on smarter appliances with high efficiency ratings can be daunting. However, at Fair for You we offer flexible repayment plans that make becoming energy efficient easier for your family. Browse our collection of Whirlpool appliances to start reducing your energy bills today.

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This entry was posted in Finance, Budgeting Tips, Home Appliances and How To's
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