Gardening Maintenance Tips for July

July 5, 2023 • Chris Bardsley

Gardening Maintenance Tips for July

What to do in July to keep your garden in tip-top condition

At Fair for You, we know how rewarding it can be to see your garden flourish all year round. We’ve put together a few pointers for what to do in July to give those flowers and plants a helping hand.

Growing your own veggies?

If you’re growing your own veggies, you can sow a lot in the gaps left by veg that you have picked earlier in the year. What you plant now will give you fresh veg throughout autumn and winter.

From mid-July sow land cress, Chinese cabbage and spinach. And then, between the end of July and mid-August, sow mustards, pak choi and salad rocket.

How much should you water your veg?

Leafy vegetables like lettuce, spinach and herbs need the most water to keep growing new leaves.

For fruiting vegetables such as courgettes, runner beans and tomatoes it’s best to wait until they have flowered before watering, unless there is a very dry spell.

Root vegetables like beetroot and potatoes will usually be in their last month of growth by now, so only need a little bit of water. Watering sparingly every few days is better than giving them a soaking once a week.

Taking care of plants and flowers

In July some plants are getting past their peak and start to need extra help.

Cut back any early flowering perennial plants and you might even get some late summer flowers as a thank you! After cutting make sure you water them well and feed them too.

Removing any blooms as they start to fade will encourage plants to produce more, so keep an eye out for any flowers that look a bit sorry for themselves.

You can also stop taller plants from falling over as it gets windy by putting a cane in the soil behind the plant and looping a string around the stem for a bit of extra support.

General garden maintenance

When the temperatures rise and you can’t remember the last time it rained, don’t panic!

When it comes to your lawn, even if it goes a little brown, it will soon return to green when the rain returns.

To help it through the summer, as long as there isn’t a drought, it’s worth regularly feeding your lawn.

Raising the blades on your lawn mower will also allow your grass to grow longer which will keep it greener and help it to retain moisture.

Don’t forget, if you’re in need of new garden furniture, barbecues or gardening tools to keep your space looking stunning all summer long, you can find them at Fair for You.

Browse outdoor and garden products today.

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