Lightning Reach

July 5, 2023 • Chris Bardsley

Lightning Reach

Do You Want to Get Help with Money Quickly and Easily?

If you need financial support to pay for unexpected expenses or costs you can’t afford, Lightning Reach can help.

What is Lightning Reach?

Lightning Reach is a free online portal that helps people across the UK to find and apply for different types of financial support. This includes grants from charities, funding from your local council, or help with your bills. The whole process can be done quickly, safely and all in one place.

How Can I Get Help?

All you need to do is fill out a simple form and the portal will let you know what support you are able to get. It only takes a few minutes to collect all the information organisations need to assess your application, which makes it faster for you to get the help you need, when you need it.

Sign up for Lightning Reach today and see what help you could get.

This entry was posted in Finance, How To's and Blog
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