How to save money for a holiday

The weather is heating up, and the holiday season is almost upon us. Everyone needs a holiday from time to time to relax and recharge. But between flights, hotels and travel insurance, the cost of going on holiday can quickly exceed your budget. Start saving money for your dream destination today and put your money worries aside. Whether you are booking a dream holiday or weekend minibreak, there is almost always a way to save some extra cash. Check out these tips and tricks to save money for your next holiday, and stay on budget while you’re away.

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Staying safe online

Technology is moving at a breakneck pace and has changed the way many of us use the internet. Things like online banking and shopping have made financial transactions even easier to manage, but in turn, has created more opportunities for cybercriminals to steal valuable information from us. At Fair For You, we care about our customer’s safety, so read on for some helpful tips about staying safe online and protecting yourself and your money.

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Home Storage Tips For Renters

Making the most out of your space can be tricky – especially if you’ve got a lot of things! To add to this, renting a property often means no hammering or drilling into walls, so creating extra storage systems for your clothes, knick-knacks and the little ones’ toys can be awkward. If you’re running out of space or looking to get more organised with your belongings, read on for some landlord-friendly home storage tips.

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How to seize the New Year and start afresh

With every new year comes an opportunity for change and a chance for a fresh start. Be it a year of victory, redemption or growth, 2022 can be anything you want it to be. It’s up to you! But, getting the year off to a flying start is often easier said than done. That’s why we’re bringing you our top tips on how to seize the new year and start afresh..

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How to entertain the kids between Christmas and New Year

Picture this… You’ve made it through Christmas Day. The leftovers have all been polished off. You’ve said goodbye to your extended family and friends. And you’re ready to ring in the New Year…Luckily, we’ve got you covered! Here are a few ideas on how to entertain the kids between Christmas and New Year whilst keeping costs to a minimum.

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How to look after your mental health at Christmas

Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year right? Unfortunately, not for everyone. In fact, for many, Christmas can strike up the most negative of emotions. Whether it’s worrying about finances or dealing with anxiety around family rifts. The festive season can take a toll on a person’s mental wellbeing. That’s why we’ve put together five tips to help you look after your mental health this Christmas.

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Hosting Christmas dinner on a budget

Bringing all your loved ones together this Christmas? Whilst no one said you had to break the bank to make hosting Christmas dinner a success, doing it on a budget can feel like an impossible feat. Especially once you start writing that shopping list! To throw a fabulous Christmas dinner on a budget, give these 7 tips a try. Good luck!

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5 Homemade Christmas gift ideas

Christmas can be the most wonderful time of the year. There’s nothing better than seeing our children’s faces when the countdown begins. Full of anticipation for the BIG day and what Santa might bring. Yet for parents, the pressure can sometimes be too much to handle. You want to give your children the best Christmas yet! So trying to fulfil this can weigh on your mind and take away the joy. To honour that, we’re sharing 5 thrifty, homemade Christmas gift ideas for you to try, allowing you to create some great memories with the kids and to save some precious pennies in the process!

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How to teach your children about money management

What did home-schooling over the pandemic teach us? That some things are better left to actual teachers! But, as many of us know from our own school days, we’re actually taught very little about money and 86% of employers believe that school doesn’t prepare young people for the real world. Intentional or not, learning starts at home. As your child grows up it’ll be you that introduces them to the world of money. Educating your children about money management earlier in life can be beneficial. By teaching them about the value of pennies, you’ll be helping to set them up for success later in their lives.

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DIY Halloween children’s party games

If your kids are avid Halloween fans, the traditional apple bobbing and pumpkin carving have probably lost their spook-tacular edge. Looking for creative ways to transform your Halloween festivities without giving your bank balance a fright? We’ve got you covered. Here are our five DIY Halloween games that will give your kids pumpkin’ to talk about.

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Energy-saving tips to reduce your utility bills

Christmas isn’t the only reason that winter is one of the most expensive seasons for households across the country. As it gets colder and darker outside, the heating and lights are on for longer, and we spend more and more time in front of the TV. Inevitably, energy bills go up and it becomes harder and harder to stretch your paycheque each month.

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5 ways you can introduce mindfulness to your family’s life

A number of years ago, you may not have even heard of the term ‘mindfulness’. Today, it’s a popular phenomenon and an encouraged way of managing our mental health. What you may not realise too, is that practicing mindfulness can also be incredibly beneficial to your children. While your children’s problems may feel elf-sized to you, they can feel like Optimus-prime level threats to them. Teaching your little ones mindfulness early on can help them develop the tools to tackle whatever mental health problems they might face later on in their lives.

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