Tips on Working from Home

July 4, 2023 • Chris Bardsley

Tips on Working from Home

There are many perks to working from home, but for many people it can also have its downsides.

Whether you’ve been working from home for a while, or are just starting a new role, making sure you stay happy, healthy and motivated are key.

At Fair for You, we’ve put together a few tips to help you get the most out of working from home.

Start a routine and stick to it

Without a schedule, you could find that your work and personal time start blurring into one.

To avoid this, it’s best to follow your normal sleep and work patterns and most importantly - stay consistent.

You could even use your ‘commute’ time to exercise, read or do odd jobs around the home.

When your workday stops, it’s also important that you stop too so you can enjoy your personal time freely.

Make a dedicated workspace

Having a quiet space away from distractions (if possible) can do wonders for your concentration.

It’s also important to make sure you are sitting comfortably, not just on the sofa, with everything you need in one place.

If you need help with affording a home working set up, Fair for You can help. Our fair, flexible loans allow you to shop for essentials from trusted retailers, and you can repay on your own terms.

Browse our home office furniture.

Take Time for Breaks

When you’re working from home, it can be tempting to carry on working without stopping for breaks or lunch.

However, breaks are important for managing feelings of stress. Take regular screen breaks of 5-10 minutes each hour and spend time outdoors when you can. Set aside time to go for a walk, run or bike ride to get some fresh air. It can potentially give your productivity a big boost when you return.

Keep in Touch

Working from home can certainly have its benefits, but it also comes with the risk of feeling isolated or cut off from the outside world.

There are plenty of ways to stay in touch with the people that matter to us, giving their mental wellbeing a lift as well as our own.

Scheduling video calls and picking up the phone instead of sending emails, or making time to socialise at a virtual coffee break are all great ways of keeping in touch and supporting one another.

Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries with other people in your household is really important when working from home.

Although you can be more flexible, work can become more difficult if there are regular distractions to deal with. Make sure you have a discussion about your needs, especially with family, and let them know your schedule.

On the other hand, it is also important to set boundaries with your employer. You need time to switch off when the workday is over and enjoy your free time.

Fair for You are here to help

Adapting your living space for work purposes can greatly improve your productivity and wellbeing. Fair for You has got your back with flexible finance for a plethora of home office essentials. Whether it’s a comfy office chair, the latest tech like screens and laptop, or ergonomic keyboards to keep those fingers spry, you'll find it in our retailers’ vast collection.

So, what are you waiting for? Jumpstart your home office revamp with Fair for You today!

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