5 Best Children’s Beds With Storage

March 13, 2019 • The Team

Walking into a kid’s bedroom can leave you a little shell-shocked. Toys everywhere, clothes strewn across the floor…you can picture the scene. No matter how often you tell them, they’ll never really put their clothes away in the wardrobe, or stack the toys back in the cupboard. It’s just not fun, is it? But what if packing things away could be fun?

There’s something quite novel about beds with storage space. There’s an ingenuity to them that kids and adults alike are fascinated by. Beds with storage can make the boring task of tidying up a game. Here’s are top pick of children’s beds with storage…

The low sleeper

Simple, effective and solidly constructed. The Low Sleeper is a brilliant bed that features a space-saving shelving unit. Books, pillows and toys can all find their place in the compact compartments.

For extra excitement, there is a sturdy and safe step ladder up to the mattress. The slats and construction of this bed are second to none, providing the support for your sleeping child that every parent wants.

The mid sleeper

The next level of storage beds is the Mid Sleeper. Made from solid pine, this bed has a pull out desk for drawing, shelves for colouring books and, wait for it, an actual play tent!

Get your kids excited by storage space with this innovative design.

Study bunk bed

The Ashton Study Bunk has multiple storage units combined into one single solid space. It’s a practical and surprisingly stylish piece, available in oak veneer effect or white finish.

The kids will love the various space-saving parts that fit underneath the bed and you will love the amount of fluffy toys it can take off your hands (and off the floor!)

Cookie cabin

This is a chic children’s bed with storage, complete with a sleek matt finish, charcoal grey exterior and contemporary design. Get the Cookie Cabin Bed for your sloppy teenager and they’ll soon be taking pride in putting their hoodies in the one of its three storage drawers. There’s a cupboard for their school books, a shelf for picture frames and a desk on which to do homework.


One of the most intelligent and practical pieces of children’s furniture about, the Rolo Sleepstation offers many useful features. There’s a pull out desk, plenty of shelving and cupboard space and best of all a smooth white lacquer finish.

The Rolo is the ultimate combination of functionality and fun. It’ll have your kids jumping for joy when storing their toys.

If you find yourself hunting for a bed with storage that your child will be happy with, remember that beds don’t have to be just a mattress and legs. A bed with storage will both keep the kids happy, and allow you to walk into their room without wading through a pile of Playmobile and Pokemon.

If you want to explore your finance options so that you get a fair price on the household essentials, then take a look at our furniture page for more information on our pay weekly or monthly schemes.

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