6 Steps To Achieving The Perfect Spring Clean

April 7, 2019 • The Team

Spring cleaning is the perfect way to feel great without spending a penny. Nothing is as satisfying as taking your living space from dusty and dirty to sparkling clean, and it needn’t be as difficult as you think.

Often making a start is the hardest bit, so having some steps in place to achieve the perfect spring clean will help to keep you motivated. Take a look at our top steps to get your spring clean in full swing:

1. Tackle The Dust

First things first, you’ll need to tackle the dust in your house. Spring cleaning is all about rejuvenation and freshness, so dust is a big no no. It’s bad for allergies, hygiene and the general look of your home, so get to work on making it disappear as an initial step.

There’s nothing worse than hoovering and wiping down surfaces only to realise that dust is flying everywhere and recreating mess where you’ve just cleaned. By tackling it first, you ensure that you won’t end up going back on yourself.

It’s time to get the duster out and blow away the cobwebs. Be sure to pay attention to the dust that settles on windowsills and mantelpieces – this sneaky dust will come back to bite you if you don’t get rid of it as the first step to achieving the perfect spring clean.

2. Get Rid Of Clutter

This one is easier said than done! No one likes getting rid of possessions, but often it can feel really good to declutter your closet, living space and cupboards as part of your spring clean. Decluttering can be great for every room, so here’s how to get rid of clutter in your main rooms.

Kitchen – Do you know what’s at the back of your cupboards? Chances are there’s out of date food, a bit of dried pasta that’s escaped the pack and space right at the back that’s not being used. Take the time to clear the whole kitchen of clutter – we promise you’ll enjoy it afterwards!

Living Room – before you set the hoover on the living room, get rid of any spare change and old newspapers that might be lying around. Clutter in the living room can build rapidly – especially if you’ve got little ones – so decluttering this space is a crucial part of any spring clean.

Bedroom – There can be a lot that lurks under bedroom furniture. That necklace you lost last year, a few lone socks and the window key you’ve been looking for for the past month. Pulling your furniture out and giving everything a good wipe down is guaranteed to make you feel amazing.

3. Get The Hoover Out

Whether it’s a Dyson or a Henry, a Hoover is your best friend throughout the spring clean. Once your space is decluttered and dust free, it’s time to set your hoover on the carpets. Be sure to get into the corners of the room, between tables and chairs and under rugs.

Carpets can hold a lot of dirt and mess without you even realising and sometimes if you haven’t hoovered in a while this step can create great results in an instant. You might also want to consider getting your carpets cleaned every now and again to keep them fresh and long lasting.

4. Windows Need Cleaning Too

Don’t forget that the windows need a good polish too. If you want the outside of the windows cleaned, it’s recommended to use a window cleaner, but for the inside you can get started by using a good window spray and a cloth. Try to get the window panes cleaned up too, for a full spring clean.

5. Replace Your Mattress And Change Your Bedding

Your bed is the place that restores and rests you after a long day on your feet, so treating yourself to a new mattress can be a lovely treat as part of a spring clean. As the weather gets warmer, you might also want to look at getting lighter bedding that won’t make you boil under the covers in the summer heat. Sprucing up your bedding as part of your spring clean will help you feel refreshed and revived.

6. Set New Cleaning Habits

Now you’ve done the hard bit, it’s a good idea to set some cleaning habits in place to try and get everyone on board with keeping the house clean. If you have kids, this may involve setting chores that they can do to help around the house.

It’s about keeping on top of the cleaning so that the lovely results of the spring clean are here to stay.

If you want help with your spring clean, and want to explore the furniture, appliances and technology that you could get on a pay weekly plan, then browse our website for more information.

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