Our top tips for saving for summer holidays

The school summer holidays are just around the corner, and for many parents, this can be a time for stress and money worries. The cost of keeping the kids entertained for six weeks can be extortionate, but with a bit of organisation and planning, you can start saving for summer holidays.

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Spring Statement: What is it and how does it affect you?

Sky-rocketing energy and inflation rates have left millions struggling to pay for food, bills and household essentials. Chancellor Rishi Sunak released the Spring Statement 2022 just a few weeks ago – with numerous measures to combat the rising cost of living. Here at Fair for You, we believe in making finance accessible to you. Whether it’s flexible loan repayment plans or breaking down current economic events, we’ve got your back.

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What Is Financial Resilience?

Financial resilience is all about preparing for the worst-case scenario. You never know what’s around the corner – and you need to be financially prepared. At Fair for You, we understand that sometimes life happens, and things veer off course. Significant life events like a relationship breakdown or an unexpected illness, can have quite an impact on your finances and, more specifically, your financial security. These events might change your income, assets or debt payments, and you need to be financially resilient enough to navigate the fallout of life’s challenges.

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What Is Financial Wellbeing?

It’s not always easy to talk about your finances, especially if you’re having difficulty keeping track. But by talking about money and your personal situation, you can learn to manage it better and hopefully become less worried and stressed. Here at Fair for You, we want to empower our customers to better understand their finances as a whole, and to give them access to the items they need. So in today’s post, we’re discussing the meaning behind financial wellbeing – what it is, what impacts it – and how you can take control of yours, regardless of your current financial situation.

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How to teach your children about money management

What did home-schooling over the pandemic teach us? That some things are better left to actual teachers! But, as many of us know from our own school days, we’re actually taught very little about money and 86% of employers believe that school doesn’t prepare young people for the real world. Intentional or not, learning starts at home. As your child grows up it’ll be you that introduces them to the world of money. Educating your children about money management earlier in life can be beneficial. By teaching them about the value of pennies, you’ll be helping to set them up for success later in their lives.

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3 budgeting apps to keep you in the green

Saving money is one of the most popular new year’s resolutions. Right up there with losing weight and taking up a new hobby. Ironically, it’s also one of the most broken resolutions! Let’s face it – budgeting is not always easy. Life can get in the way and managing money can feel quite stressful. Sometimes it’s easier to protect our anxiety levels than face the music and check the balance on screen. There’s a handful of budgeting apps out there to help you manage your spending. So we’re going to run through our top 3 to help you and your family reach your financial goals.

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Contactless card payments increase: how to stay safe & manage your money

Thanks to contactless cards, making payments has never been easier – or faster, for that matter. We live in a paperless world whereby the tap of a card, we can quickly pay for our weekly food shop, a coffee or an impulse buy. And with the contactless card limit increasing to £100 on the 15th of October, your bank account may be at risk of experiencing a couple of financial frights this Halloween.

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Energy-saving tips to reduce your utility bills

Christmas isn’t the only reason that winter is one of the most expensive seasons for households across the country. As it gets colder and darker outside, the heating and lights are on for longer, and we spend more and more time in front of the TV. Inevitably, energy bills go up and it becomes harder and harder to stretch your paycheque each month.

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Finance tips for new parents

Becoming a parent really is life-changing. Whether you are in the exciting stages of preparing for your baby to arrive, or whether you are finding your feet and settling into parenthood, the family finances may well be on your mind. With all this added responsibility comes a fair few added costs. It’s important to prepare for this financial change as much as you can. That way, you can focus on enjoying your little one grow up rather than stressing over the bills.

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Can having bad credit affect a job offer?

For better or worse, your credit score paints a picture of who you are as a consumer. It proves you are who you say you are – and that you can be trusted to act in a company’s best interests. It’s true that having a low credit score can present plenty of extra barriers or challenges in your life, but can having a less-than-perfect credit score really hold you back in the world of work? Unfortunately, the answer is yes – albeit not always.

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Budgeting tips for single parents

Being a single parent family is a unique experience that can be challenging in all sorts of ways. Add financial worries into the mix and it can be a recipe for anxiety, as even the most reasonable of us tend to focus on the necessities, treats and experiences we feel unable to give our children. Over time, this can trigger feelings of guilt, shame and exhaustion.

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What information goes into calculating a credit score?

Credit scores are one small part of life, but they don’t always feel that way. When you have a low score, it can feel like there are big barriers all around, holding you back and stopping you from accessing the things you want or need. This can be frustrating – particularly when you are confident that you’ll be able to afford the repayments.

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