Helping your child through back-to-school nerves

After a jam-packed summer of activities, the return to school may have crept up in your calendar. The beginning of September brings the first-day-of-school-nerves to some children. In the weeks building up to the big day, your child’s back-to-school anxiety may have been brewing. Whether your child is worried about meeting their new teacher or has new school nerves as they transition to high school, it’s important to be on hand to support them.

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Can having bad credit affect a job offer?

For better or worse, your credit score paints a picture of who you are as a consumer. It proves you are who you say you are – and that you can be trusted to act in a company’s best interests. It’s true that having a low credit score can present plenty of extra barriers or challenges in your life, but can having a less-than-perfect credit score really hold you back in the world of work? Unfortunately, the answer is yes – albeit not always.

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Easy school lunch box hacks

With the new school year approaching, the buzz around ‘back to school’ is ramping up. You may be feeling overwhelmed by the checklist of things to do before the start of September – from buying new school shoes to making sure they’ve got the right stationery sets. Don’t stress, we’re here to help tick lunch box prep off your to-do list. Follow our easy school lunch box hacks and this next school year will be a breeze!

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Budgeting tips for single parents

Being a single parent family is a unique experience that can be challenging in all sorts of ways. Add financial worries into the mix and it can be a recipe for anxiety, as even the most reasonable of us tend to focus on the necessities, treats and experiences we feel unable to give our children. Over time, this can trigger feelings of guilt, shame and exhaustion.

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How to create an at-home allotment

Next week marks National Allotments Week. Whilst tending to and nurturing an allotment holds countless benefits, not everyone can afford the price tag that comes along with one. But fear not – if you are lucky enough to have some outdoor space, or even just a window sill, there’s nothing stopping you from experiencing the benefits of growing your own produce for yourself. So, how do you create an at-home allotment? Here are some simple steps to get you started.

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What information goes into calculating a credit score?

Credit scores are one small part of life, but they don’t always feel that way. When you have a low score, it can feel like there are big barriers all around, holding you back and stopping you from accessing the things you want or need. This can be frustrating – particularly when you are confident that you’ll be able to afford the repayments.

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Best cheap and free things to do with the whole family this summer

The summer holidays are officially upon us. Whilst the kids will be eagerly looking forward to six weeks of freedom, parents everywhere may be inwardly panicking about how on earth to keep the boredom at bay. Another worry during the school holidays is how to keep on top of spending. Getting the family out of the house often results in an ice cream here and a bag of sweets there. The pennies can very quickly add up.

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6 thrifty children’s art ideas

With so much of our entertainment accessible on screens these days, it can often be a struggle to encourage our children away from the television to get crafty and creative. However, the benefits of exercising our children’s creative muscles are endless; it fires up their imaginations, improves their logic skills and gives them the opportunity to express themselves. Plus, you are left with something that your child has created to put on the fridge or gift to a grandparent at the end of it.

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Open Banking – your questions answered

Here at Fair for You, we want to help you access affordable and flexible credit that is right for you and your circumstances. That’s why we carry out affordability checks as part of our loan application process. One way of carrying out these affordability checks is by asking to see copies of your bank statements. This allows us to gain an insight into your income and expenditure, which helps us decide whether a loan from us will be affordable for you.

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The application process demystified

The thought of filling out a loan application can feel a bit like a puzzle sometimes. You may be unsure what questions you’ll have to answer or how the process works. To help take the mystery out of applying for a loan with us, we’ve put together some handy info answering a few of your most frequently asked questions. We’ll have you kicking back with a cuppa in no time!The application process demystified

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What is a soft credit search?

Applying for a loan or credit can feel like a daunting task. You may not be sure how the process works, whether you’ll be accepted, or the potential impact it could have on your credit score. That’s where a soft credit search can help you make a more informed decision without the added worry. It’s natural to be cautious, and sensible to arm yourself with all the facts before diving in. We’ve put together some answers to help demystify the process and make using our soft search tool a little easier.

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Get creative for International Chocolate Cake Day!

It’s International Chocolate Cake Day. Yes, an entire day celebrating the glorious creation that is: chocolate cake. After hours of home schooling, locked up in the house together, what better time to give the kids (and most importantly yourself) a well-deserved treat? Whether you’re short on time or you need some free-from alternatives, we’ve got you covered. Delve into the deliciousness of these 5 heavenly chocolate cake recipes, and feed those guilty pleasures you’ve been yearning for.

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