What Are Kids And Family Membership Schemes And Are They Worth It?

Here at Fair For You, we’re always keen to share ideas to help families on a low income make their money go further. So here’s the lowdown on family membership schemes.

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What To Do With Unwanted Christmas Gifts

Whether the gifts were for you, or if you’ve purchased an unwanted gift for someone else, here are our top tips from the Fair For You team on what to do next.

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How to stop costs spiralling over the festive period

If you are feeling the pinch this year, know that you’re by no means alone. That said, some simple tips can help you to make the most of your available income, plus avoid any unnecessary spending.

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Where to find the best deals for the Christmas shop

With simple tips, you can save money right across the festive season when it comes to buying food, not to mention other Christmas essentials. Here are our top tips from the team at Fair For You on doing the Christmas shop for less.

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Keeping costs down over Christmas week

With some simple steps, you can reduce how much you spend over the festive period. Here are our top tips from the Fair For You team to help you do just that this Christmas.

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How To Save Money On Christmas Dinner Without Compromising On Taste

So that you can make your money stretch this Christmas, the Fair For You team has put together the following tips on buying Christmas dinner for less. Most importantly, how to cook an amazing feast for the family without having to compromise on taste!

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Cheap And Free Things To Do Over The Festive Period - With And Without The Kids

If you’re watching the pennies this year, then here are some top tips from the Fair For You team on free or low cost things to do for both adults and kids over the festive season.

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Teaching kids the basics of financial education

We’ve put together some helpful tips that you can roll out across half term and in the Christmas countdown to help kids learn about the importance and meaning of money.

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Are recipe boxes worth the money?

Recipe boxes such as Gousto and Hello Fresh may seem like the perfect solutions when budgeting for meal times - but can meal planning home-cooked food prove cheaper?

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Halloween Activities for Kids

Looking for some spooktacular events and activities to keep the kids entertained this Halloween? Well, look no further!

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Has your mental health been hit by your finances?

A recent poll conducted by British Gas and published in the Independent has shown the extent to which people's mental and physical wellbeing has been impacted by a lack of money.

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How to set yourself up for a healthy winter

There are steps you can take, and good habits to get into sooner rather than later, which can help keep you and your family healthy.

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