How To Stop Spending Money

Here at Fair for You, we want our blog to help you improve your financial wellbeing. In today’s post, it’s the turn of how to stop spending money.

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How to Decorate Your Home on a Budget

To help you keep the costs down and still get everything you need, we’ve compiled this list explaining how you can decorate and furnish your home on a budget.

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How to Transform Your Garden on a Budget

Renovating your garden doesn’t have to mean spending huge amounts of money on furniture and equipment! There are loads of ways you can transform your garden on a budget.

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How to Save Money When You Switch Mobile Phone Providers

If you’re looking for ways to decrease your monthly payments and your contract is up soon, or it’s already up, we’ve compiled these tips for saving money when it comes to switching mobile providers.

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How Much Does it Cost to Run Household Appliances?

Here, we outline how much it costs to run your household essentials and offer some more cost-effective alternatives to running traditional appliances.

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Everything You Need to Know about the Fair for You Shopping Card

From where you can spend your balance to how you can top-up, and more - explore everything you need to know about the Fair for You Shopping Card here.

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When will You be Eligible for Your Next Fair for You Loan?

Here, we’ll explore our different types of loans, how much you’ll need to have paid off to be eligible for a new one, and when you can top-up your Iceland Food Club Card and Shopping Card.

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What’s the Difference Between Fair for You and a Buy Now Pay Later Firm?

Learn more about how buy now pay later schemes work, the problems you could face when using them, and how Fair for You offers a different type of credit.

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What does it mean to be regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority?

Explore the role of the financial conduct authority (FCA) in protecting consumers and what it means to be regulated by the FCA in this Fair for You blog.

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Paying Energy and Housing Bills, Grants and More

Discover all of the financial help available to assist you in paying your energy and housing bills during the cost of living crisis, like Government grants.

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Tackling the Cost of Living Crisis

Here, we explore the cost of living crisis - what caused it, when it could end and, more importantly, the help and support available to help you reduce your food and travel bills.

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Everything You Need to Know about the Iceland Food Club Loan from Fair for You

Explore how much you can borrow and how to apply for the Iceland Food Club Card from Fair for You.

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